Chip: 2005 Utilities
CHIP Utilities 2005.7z
CHIP Utilities 2005.iso
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DOS Batch File
197 lines
@if "%debug%"=="" echo off
if "%1"==":" if not "%2"=="" goto %2
if "%wattcp.cfg%"=="" %0 : _error missing WATTCP (packet driver)
if not exist %wattcp.cfg%\wattcp.cfg %0 : _error missing %wattcp.cfg%\wattcp.cfg
if exist PROTMAN$ if not exist PKTDRV$ %0 : _error MsClient packet driver missing (MSNET)
if not exist %ramdrv%\bin\pktchk.com goto _npktchk
%ramdrv%\bin\pktchk.com 0x20 0xff >nul
if errorlevel 1 %0 : _error missing packet driver
echo. >%tmp%\_arachne.tmp
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\global.set goto _noglob
type %ramdrv%\etc\global.set >%tmp%\_arachne.tmp
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.set goto _nospec
type %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.set >%tmp%\_arachne.tmp
xgrep -sy "^[:s]*@*[:s]*s?e?t?[:s]*ara_.+=" %tmp%\_arachne.tmp >%tmp%\_arachne.bak
if errorlevel 1 goto _noset
xgrep -sy "^[:s]*@*[:s]*set[:s]+" %tmp%\_arachne.bak >%tmp%\_arachne.bat
xgrep -syv "^[:s]*@*[:s]*set[:s]+" %tmp%\_arachne.bak >%tmp%\_arachne.tmp
if errorlevel 1 goto _runset
lmod /L* set []<%tmp%\_arachne.tmp >>%tmp%\_arachne.bat
call %tmp%\_arachne.bat
if "%ara_ti%"=="" set ara_ti=30
if "%1"=="/0" goto _2launch
if "%1"=="-0" goto _2launch
if "%ara_ncfg%"=="1" goto _2launch
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg goto _2launch
lmod /s /l* [$1]=[$2:!]<%ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg >%tmp%\_arachne.cfg
set wcb1=
set wcb2=
set wcb3=
if "%ara_hot%"=="1" set wcb1=1
if "%ara_his%"=="1" set wcb2=1
if "%ara_cks%"=="1" set wcb3=1
call w.bat box @%0:_info #5,%ara_ti%
if errorlevel 2 goto _end
set ara_hot=%wcb1%
set ara_his=%wcb2%
set ara_cks=%wcb3%
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [tcp/ip]IP_Address=WATTCP
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [tcp/ip]TCPconfig=%wattcp_cfg%
if "%ara_hot%"=="1" goto _1hot
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [system]Hotlist=.\HOTLIST.HTM
if exist %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm del %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm >nul
goto _9hot
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [system]Hotlist=%ramdrv%\ETC\HOTLIST.HTM
if "%ara_his%"=="1" goto _1his
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [system]History=.\HISTORY.LST
if exist %ramdrv%\etc\History.lst del %ramdrv%\etc\History.lst >nul
goto _9his
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [system]History=%ramdrv%\ETC\HISTORY.LST
if "%ara_cks%"=="1" goto _1cks
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [system]CookieFile=.\COOKIES.LST
if exist %ramdrv%\etc\Cookies.lst del %ramdrv%\etc\Cookies.lst >nul
goto _9cks
inifile %tmp%\_arachne.cfg [system]CookieFile=%ramdrv%\ETC\COOKIES.LST
lmod /s= /l* [$1] [$2:!]<%tmp%\_arachne.cfg >%ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg
set | tfind /f1,4 "ARA_">%tmp%\_arachne.bat
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\global.set goto _yglob
xgrep -syv "^[:s]*@*[:s]*s?e?t?[:s]*ARA_.+=" %ramdrv%\etc\global.set >>%tmp%\_arachne.bat
type %tmp%\_arachne.bat >%ramdrv%\etc\global.set
if exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.set del %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.set >nul
if not "%1"=="/0" if not "%1"=="-0" if exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.pck if exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg goto _launch
if not "%1"=="/0" if not "%1"=="-0" goto _setup
call w.bat box @%0:_sure #1,%ara_ti%
if errorlevel 2 goto _end
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.cfg %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.pck) do if exist %%i del %%i >nul
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\etc\arachne.* %ramdrv%\etc\*.lst %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm) do if exist %%i del %%i >nul
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm if exist %ramdrv%\arachne\hotlist.htm copy %ramdrv%\arachne\hotlist.htm %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm >nul
if not "%1"=="/0" if not "%1"=="-0" if exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg copy %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.cfg >nul
if "%1"=="/0" shift
if "%1"=="-0" shift
for %%i in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25) do echo.
cd %ramdrv%\arachne
call %ramdrv%\arachne\setup.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
goto _save
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm if exist %ramdrv%\arachne\hotlist.htm copy %ramdrv%\arachne\hotlist.htm %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm >nul
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg goto _go
if not exist %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.pck goto _go
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.cfg %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.pck) do if exist %%i del %%i >nul
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\etc\arachne.cfg %ramdrv%\etc\arachne.pck) do if exist %%i copy %%i %ramdrv%\arachne\. >nul
for %%i in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25) do echo.
cd %ramdrv%\arachne
call %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.bat -r %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
goto _save
cd %ramdrv%\
if not exist %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.cfg goto _end
if not exist %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.pck goto _end
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\etc\arachne.*) do if exist %%i del %%i >nul
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.cfg %ramdrv%\arachne\arachne.pck) do if exist %%i copy %%i %ramdrv%\etc\. >nul
call drd.bat %srcdrv%
if errorlevel 1 goto _end
echo ARACHNE: Saving Arachne Profile to %srcdrv%\etc
for %%i in (%srcdrv%\etc\arachne.* %srcdrv%\etc\global.set) do if exist %%i del %%i >nul
for %%i in (%srcdrv%\etc\history.lst %srcdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm %srcdrv%\etc\cookies.lst) do if exist %%i del %%i >nul
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\etc\arachne.* %ramdrv%\etc\global.set) do if exist %%i copy %%i %srcdrv%\etc\. >nul
for %%i in (%ramdrv%\etc\history.lst %ramdrv%\etc\hotlist.htm %ramdrv%\etc\cookies.lst) do if exist %%i copy %%i %srcdrv%\etc\. >nul
goto _end
:_info "Arachne (Browser/Email for DOS)" [x]
(~press any key~: #? sec.)
Dialog timeout [$ ara_ti,3] seconds
Arachne's default configuration demands P100 or
better and VESA compatible VGA (1024x768 2MB)
When this does not work for you choose 'Cancel'
or hit 'Esc' and run 'Setup.bat' to configure
Arachne to your needs
Save to diskette (if writable):
[!] Hotlist
[!] History
[!] Cookies
Downloads, Email and Cache can NOT be saved
If needed copy them from Ramdisk before reboot!
Arachne GPL 1.79 used here is downloaded from:
(stripped from superfluous CtMouse and PKT/PPP)
[ Ok ] [? Cancel ]
:_sure "Arachne Clean Setup" [x]
(~press any key~: #? sec.)
Arachne Setup is about to start
Your current setup will be deleted and Arachne's
Setup-routine will launch to configure Arachne
to your needs. Press 'Esc' if you do not want to
loose your current Arachne configuration
Arachne GPL 1.79 used here is downloaded from:
(stripped from superfluous CtMouse and PKT/PPP)
[ Ok ] [? Cancel ]
echo ARACHNE: (Error) %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8
@rem pause
goto _end
set | tfind /f1,2 "W_" >%tmp%\_arachne.tmp
set | tfind /f1,4 "ARA_" >>%tmp%\_arachne.tmp
type %tmp%\_arachne.tmp | lmod /L* /B= set [$1]=>%tmp%\_arachne.bat
call %tmp%\_arachne.bat
if exist %tmp%\_arachne.* del %tmp%\_arachne.*
set ?=
set wcb1=
set wcb2=
set wcb3=
set wcb4=
set wcb5=
set wcb6=
set wcb7=
set wcb8=
set wcb9=
set wrb=
set wbat=